The Clinic for Foot Pathologies and Complex Prosthetic Treatment

Department for Foot Pathology and Complex Prosthetic Treatment

Kuleva Oleksandr Valeriiovych, candidate of medical sciences

Kuleva Oleksandr Valeriiovych, candidate of medical sciences, orthopedic and trauma surgeon, head of the surgical department of the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine”

In 2008, he graduated from Odessa National Medical University with a degree in General Medicine.

In 2008-2010, he passed his internship at the traumatology and orthopedics department of P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Post-Graduation Study.

From 2010 till 2011, he used to work as an orthopedic and trauma surgeon at Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital.
In 2011, had entered the clinical residency at the SI «The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine» and graduated in 2013.

From 2014 till 2016, he passed his post-graduation course at the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NAMS of Ukraine». In 2017, he represented his Ph.D. thesis «Muscle Transplantation at Surgical Treatment of Achilles Tendon’s Injuries».

Kuleva O.V. focuses on conservative and surgical treatment of musculoskeletal traumas and injuries. He is a member of SE “Pan-Ukrainian Association of Orthopedists-Traumatologists” and constantly upgrades his qualification, participating in professional conferences and symposiums. He also applies kineziotaping and biomechanical taping.

Kuleva Oleksandr Valeriiovych, candidate of medical sciences

Consultation of an orthopedic and trauma surgeon

Main focuses of orthopedic and traumatology treatment to lower limbs’ diseases:

All types of osteosynthesis in fractures of shin bones, ankle joint and foot, treatment of pseudoarthroses.

The most modern method to cure Hallux valgus and hammer digits.

New methods for a diabetic foot syndrome

The clinic works since 1945

Here, modern technologies in orthopedic and trauma care are combined with many years of experience.

2 professors and 5 PhD

Our orthopedic and trauma surgeons constantly enhance their qualification in Ukraine and overseas.

Own in-hospital premises with 30 beds

The Clinic’s priorities are complex surgical operations for multiplane feet deformities, severe injuries to ankle, orthopedic support of diabetes mellitus patients.

Over 1,000 operations a year

Annually, the Clinic carries out over 1,000 operations for pseudoarthroses, tendon and ligament injuries, orthopedic diseases, feet deformities, provides orthopedic support to diabetes mellitus patients.